Rating: NC17
Characters: Edward and Bella
We arrived at the concert, buzzing with energy, all of us wearing our new respective outfits and jewelry. The girls had loved their gifts, and had insisted we all wear the matching crest. Alice had dressed Jasper in her pre-planned outfit: baggy jeans, heavy boots, a blue, grey and white plaid button down and a grey T-shirt underneath. We didn't have seats – just tickets to the floor area. As I had predicted on the drive up, it was a festival-type atmosphere. The crowd was moving against one another; bumping and spinning without a care in the world. Almost the instant the band started, Alice and Jasper disappeared to make out in a corner somewhere, Emmett threw himself into the mosh pit, and Rosalie went outside with some sorority girls she knew from high school for a smoke.
I stood around the fringe of the pit, lurking in the dark, my body tingling with the realization that this could be it; this may be the moment where I would finally have that sensation I'd been craving. I wanted to do something wild and irresponsible, to feel alive. I ran my hand over my chin, feeling the stubble. Alice had convinced me not to shave earlier, telling me it made me look cooler. I was reeling with the vitality of the crowd. The band started up "Lighting Crashes" and everyone went crazy. The people on the floor were flowing around in a wild mess; they seemed to be feeling the music so deeply that it overtook their entire bodies. I was intrigued to join the rush. It was volatile and thrilling, but then suddenly a figure on the edge of the crowd caught me off guard.
It was her, the girl from the mall.
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