Forsaken In My Mind's Past
by WickedCurveBall74
Review written by smexy4smarties
The most disturbing part was that I didn't want to walk back to Jake. I didn't want to talk to Jake, and I didn't want to leave this bar with Jake. I wanted to get lost, and disappear...with Edward.
Let's get this out there right off the bat, girls'n'boys: today we're
venturing into one of the fandom's dark alleys. Some of us traipse up
and down this alley with our head held high, staring everyone down
and just daring them to say something. Others slink along the walls,
hoping no one notices where we are and what we're doing. And then
there are those that aren't even willing to set a foot in. I respect
that, so here's your fair warning: this fic's about cheating on your
significant other. Leave if you need to—no one will judge. Everyone
else, follow me.
Bella Swan hated Edward Cullen—she reminded herself of this fact
constantly. She'd loved him once, when he was sweet and caring and
perfect for her. Now, Bella couldn't look at him without remembering
that night and the phone call that destroyed them.
This is
Victoria, sweetie. I made your man very, very
happy the other night.
Bella had thought she was enough to make him happy, but if
Edward needed more, then he would find more—but she wouldn't be
sticking around to watch.
Fast-forward: Bella was married to Jacob with a set of beautiful
twins, and Edward—while not married—was with Rosalie and had a
son with her. Neither was happy, neither was where they wanted to be.
Both found themselves in a bar and, unbelievably, talking to each
other. Edward hated Rosalie—she was manipulative and used their son to gain what she wanted from him. Bella couldn't remember why she
married Jake. He was a good friend to her once, but he'd become
possessive, jealous, and very condescending. He even undermined her
in front of their kids. Edward knew that he was still in love with
Bella, that she's the only girl he could ever want. Bella knew she
hated Edward Cullen . . . but she only knew because she
reminded herself of it constantly.
The humor and snark that WickedCurveBall74 injects into her story
keeps the reader laughing and, sometimes simultaneously, rolling
their eyes as Bella and Edward crash through their once again
intertwining lives and learn to accept and move past the mistakes
they've both made in previous years. They're adults now—maybe not
grown up, but adults—and being together isn't simple like it could
have been. Now, their actions affect the lives of many, and the
author knows to portray this with a certain sense of delicacy.
Bella's sure she hates him, Edward's sure he doesn't deserve her, and
they're both aware of how much they have to lose. So it becomes a
matter of: is true love lost worth pursuing? Or do we sometimes need
to let go so life can run smoothly?
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