Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Author Spotlight - loss4words (@loss4words81)

The Underside of Earth
by Loss4words

Main Characters:

Bella Swan/Edward Cullen





Summary: What happens when two separate souls find each other when they aren't looking? Will Bella be able to overcome all that has happened to her and learn to trust fate and love again?

Get up close and personal with Anna, a.k.a. loss4words, author of The Underside of Earth. Always wanted to know her trade secrets? This is your chance to learn more!

Amelie: This is Amelie Gray on behalf of Twi Network, here with the lovely Anna, a.k.a. loss4words to discuss her story The Underside of Earth. Congratulations on being in the spotlight, Anna.

Anna: Thank you.

Amelie: First of all, how did you get into the fandom?

Anna: Well, I found a Facebook group that had pictures of all the Twi stuff and they had a discussion area, and I saw someone post a link to Wide Awake. I had honestly never heard of fanfiction, but I clicked on it because the story got such praise. I was hooked from then on!

Amelie: So you'd already read Twilight, then?

Anna: Oh yes. My daughter needed a prescription filled and I saw the book, but I ignored it. I had seen Edward Cullen flair all over Facebook and I was getting annoyed by it. LOL I had to go back for another prescription for her the next day and I finally bought it. I was hooked. It was about 3 weeks before Twilight came out in theaters.

Amelie: So how did you make the leap from reading fanfiction to writing fanfiction?

Anna: Well, it's odd, because I didn't think I'd ever actually write something. I simply read for quite a while, and then I started reading The Fallout by OCD_Indeed, and I got an idea. So I started writing and posting. But I pulled that story because that was before I found a beta...yikes. I've always enjoyed writing, but it was more poetry that I wrote than fiction.

Amelie: So the story you're currently writing, The Underside of Earth...What made you come up with the idea?

Anna: Well, with The Underside of Earth...which I need to get back to because I've started another fic that is almost finished up, I was just kind of hit with an idea about a woman who has lost literally everything and doesn't realize that she can live again. But someone helps her see that after she begins to fall apart, and she slowly begins to develop a relationship not only with a man, but with other people as well. She has to overcome all of her feelings of guilt before she can truly move on in her life.

Amelie: I can really feel how broken Bella felt when she lost her husband. 

Anna: Thank you! I really need to get back to it. She was horribly broken. She felt like everything was her fault.

Amelie: Was there any personal background in this story, or just an idea that stemmed from out of nowhere?

Anna: Surprisingly,no. Well, I guess the loss part is all me, but not in that way. I've lost a lot of people in my 

life and I guess that I wanted to try and express the emotions people go through when they lose a loved one.

Amelie: Is there a particular character in your story that you identify with the most?

Anna: Yeah, Bella for sure, but not in the specific ways that I wrote. Pain can be crippling and I wanted to touch on the ways that it can affect people. I certainly have never had the types of dreams Bella has, but there have been times when certain memories tend to flood me and kind of make me useless for a day.

Amelie: What do you like to do to get yourself in the writing mood? Any particular music?

Anna: I really need to buy a tape recorder, because I ALWAYS get my major ideas when I'm driving, which is like, the worst time to get an idea because I can't write it down. I have to be listening to music that I won't sing to, because otherwise I'll sing rather than brainstorm. I can't listen to music while I write though; it's too distracting for me.

Amelie: So does your family and friends know that you're in the fandom?

Anna: A little bit, but they don't all quite know the depth. I mean, I do the TFN stuff which keeps me busy and I help out authors on some other things. My sister knows and my cousin knows. My fiance knows because he sees it everyday, but he just rolls his eyes...go figure. I don't disclose a lot about what I do in the fandom to my family though. I know that they wouldn't get "it" and I know many of them wouldn't understand my passion for it. But it isn't necessarily only about the stories. It's the people too. The people in this fandom are absolutely amazing.

Amelie: Okay, who in this fandom inspires you? The people that you can't write without, betas, etc? Any shoutouts, basically?

Anna: Okay. I have to say SweetVenom69 first, because she helped me SERIOUSLY dip my feet into the fandom and Twitter. She's my girl and I love her to death! I also do a LOT of writing with Risbee and HeatherDawn. They keep me on my toes and we seem to have a really great writing bond. besides that, they are just super awesome ladies! I also have LAliCat who prereads all of my stuff and I bounce pretty much all of my ideas off of her. She kind of does an interview with me and asks me a gazillion questions which is REALLY great when developing a story. And Aylah50 is someone I found around June-ish. She is a sweetie and I"m lucky to call her my friend. There are seriously so so so many others. Just because I didn't mention more names, doesn't mean I don't love them, because I do!

Anna: Shit, KASSIAH! I would marry Kassiah. She has a great rack and she's pretty, and you should quote me on that.

Amelie: I know exactly what you mean. I have a major girl-crush on her, and the fact that she can do so much.

Anna: Me too.

Amelie: Okay, Kassiah love fest aside... What's your pet peeve in the fandom?

Anna: Ugh. Well. I hate the meanness. I won't even mention it, but we all know about it. All I can say is someone puts something on FFN or wherever else, it's their choice to take it down. At the same time, warning would be nice. People need to be nice. If you can't give constructive criticism, then shut up. Why hurt people, you know? Life is too short to be an asshole to people. And I get really sick of the typical descriptions in fics. Yeah, we get it, chocolate eyes you could swim in. 

Anna: Seriously, I cringe when I read the word "tresses" anymore. What's wrong with plain 'ole hair?

Amelie: Okay, so any fics that you think totally need mentioning?

Anna: For sure. I have to say The Ballad of Love and Hate by Risbee, not because she is such a good friend, but because I love that story so much. I'm constantly razzing her to write it! I love it. I also started reading Branching Inward by Life In The Snow and I love her Bella and Edward. There are more, but I could go on for hours. My favorite list is scary.

Anna: Oh man, I have so many on there that I haven't started. But, if someone mentions something that sounds interesting, I add it so I don't forget it. So my list is a bit daunting of stuff I want to read. I think some of them on there may have even been pulled. I need 8 more hours in my day.

Amelie: Okay, anything else you want to add/confess? wicked smirk

Anna: Well, can I talk about my aliens for a in AlienWard.

Amelie: Of course! I was about to ask you about that.

Anna: Ask away!

Amelie: So AlienWard. Tall, dark, handsome and...out of this world?

Anna: YES! Hahaha. And I voice record every chapter. Because they speak a bit like snakes they carry out their S's. And you know....the men carry the babies through pregnancy. WORD.

Amelie: So what's the storyline?

Anna: Well, Bella is an astronaut. She is on Mars and can't make it back to her ship. She is out of oxygen and on the brink of death. Then, she is whisked onto a Pod out of nowhere. Enter the Cul-len Clan. They are aliens from the planet Sisla. Their planet that is light years and galaxies away from earth. They bring her back to health and Ah-lissss announces that the mating is decided and Bella is like Wha? Huh? She doesn't meet Edwaird right away, but oh, when she does, funky things start happening. And when she gets to Sisla, so many things change.

Amelie: You know that's at the top of my TBR right now.

Anna: YAY! The story has just blown up. I'm so amazed and honored. I had no idea people wanted sci-fi like that. I owe it to Kassiah. She knew of my idea and so she bought me for FGB. I love writing this story so so much!!! And people have been reccing it which makes me want to kiss their feet. Seriously, I have no qualms about feet.

Amelie: Well, the idea of being mated to Edward - no matter where he comes from - is kinda hot and AlienWard is...kinky.

Anna: Dude, Chapter 6. All I can say. I blushed when I recorded it. The chapter title is "About Freaking Time", if that tells you anything. 

Amelie: That definitely should set off some alarms. Okay, so anything else you want to add? Thank the Academy or anything? Advice...confessions of undying love...but I think you did that already.

Anna: clutches trophy I just want to say thank you to people for reading my stuff. I feel honored. Really, because I am always SO unsure of everything I write. So it means a lot. And yes, I totally like, virtually kissed peoples feet. But also. I want to say for the love of ROB, please people, be nice. We are all so very different and even the smallest things can be hurtful. And, I love you all ;) You are my happy place.

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