Thursday, July 29, 2010

Author Spotlight: sbsp92

They Won’t Believe You
by sbsp92
Main Characters: Bella, Edward, Alec
Genre: AH
Rating: T

Summary: Bella moves to Forks with her family. Bella sees something strange in the house next door is it her imagination or did she really see it? *Nominated for a Silent Tear Award and The Faithful Shippers Award*
1. How did you come up with the idea of your story?

My English class had a gothic story unit and everyone in the class had to write a short story. I had a scene stuck in my head for the longest time and I didn’t know when I would think up a story the scene would fit in. So when my teacher gave the assignment I knew I had to include the scene somehow. After I turned it in I came back to it and changed the names and some of the details I put it on
2. What are some of your favorite things reviewers have said about your story?

At first, my story started off as a one-shot and right away the reviews mentioned that I should continue it. I most likely would have kept it that way if I had not gotten those reviews. One of my favorite reviews said my story ‘screams awesomeness’ it makes me smile every time I read it.
3. Is there a particular character in your story that you identify with the most?

The character I identify the most with is Alec. Like Alec I am the oldest and I try to keep my siblings in line. I don’t argue with my siblings like Alec does because I do anything to avoid it. I’m painfully shy, so I rarely yell at anyone. Sometimes I can lie like Alec but most of the time I lie like Bella.
4. Is the story all planned out or is it write as you go?

Since it started out as a one-shot I write as I go. So far, I have a vague idea of how it might turn out but I’m a procrastinator at heart so when I write it takes forever.
5. Do you have a particular process when it comes to your writing? Mood? Specific Environment? What do you do to get in the writing mood?

Usually, it’s when I have free time and quiet. I haven’t had a lot of free time in a while, my job sucks up my week and my energy, on my last paycheck it said in two weeks I worked 70 hours. Since I’m shy and don’t talk much, I think up ideas anytime anywhere.
6. Have you got any other projects going on? Any planned for the future?

I have Life of A Goof, it is one-shots that are about Emmett. So far I have one up and currently working on the second one. I am also working on a full length story that is not up yet. I have written a few scenes and it’s more of a serious fic and I’m really excited about it. I plan on finishing it before I post, so my procrastination doesn’t get in the way.
7. Are you out of the closet with your Twilight love? Or do you RL friends and family know about it?

I am completely out of the closet about my Twilight love but I don’t talk about it as much as I use to. Very few know about my fanfiction love and I’m going to keep it that way. My Twilight love is more about the books than the movies. I actually got my two guy friends hooked on the movies, unfortunately they are both team Jacob. The only thing all of us can agree on is our dislike of Bella. One actually said before that he would rather die one thousand deaths than see a Twilight movie and now he has a complete man crush on Taylor Lautner.
8. Do any FF authors inspire you?

RobMyDream is one that definitely inspires me because of all the stories she writes. All of her stories are so unique and different. I really want to steal her imagination because it takes me a while to think up stories. Another one is Burrberry Bugsy because it's not common for me to read more than two stories by one author. One of her stories is like My Bestfriend's Wedding but I like the fic a lot better than the movie.
9. What is your FanFic Pet peeve?

I have quite a few pet peeves one is when authors take down their stories when it is not finished. One story only had five chapters left and the all of a sudden the author took down all of her stories. Another one is the over use of 'like' I hear and see it all the time. To me, it makes a person not seem as smart as they really are.
10. Do you have other writing experience besides fan fiction?

Other than papers I've written for homework I don't, but I am on the review team here.
11. Any fic recs? (please include links & no more than 3)

Bella? Marie? by FriskyKitten
The Blizzard by sheviking
Love Comes Last by itsyblue1214

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