So as we get ready for Launch Day, we're wiping everything clean, working out kinks, and crossing our fingers for a smooth ride. We've changed quite a few things in the past week, developed our ideas more, and have become more concrete in programs we already have implemented. It just goes to how things can change so rapidly and such in a short amount of time.
We are incredibly grateful for the people who are already part of the Network. I will admit, I was terrified to get the site up and running. It's scary to do something like this, and then only have it be a complete fail. So, for everyone who has helped promote, retweet, and expressed interest, a bunch of Rob kisses to you.
There are four days before Launch Day, and I had a few announcements and fun things planned.
1. Author Spotlight Trivia Contest - We decided to change this into a game for the first time around. This section will always feature a Network member, but we were indecisive on who to pick first. We are going to tweet questions out randomly during the week, and whoever replies back to us with the correct answer first gets a point. Whoever has the most points by Wednesday at midnight gets the first Author Spotlight which will consist of an interview. Of course, if you do decide to play, we will need that interview back by Thursday night, ready to go up by Friday, the Launch Day.
2. What Are We Reading Now Review Team - we are still on the hunt for Network Members who would like to be part of our Review Team. We are fine if you want to only write one review for us, and if you can be an active reveiewer too, that would be awesome!
3. Story of the Week - Random at its best. Literally. I'll go onto the spreadsheet, press the down button, count to three, and stop. Whoever I land will get a weeks worth of promotions.
4. Retweeter of the Week - Another chance for some week long promotion, but you are only considered if you RT a lot of TwiNet's tweets. Easy enough eh? :D
I'm sorry if I'm a bit long winded. I tend to be. hehe. But really, four days till Launch! Let's have fun! Woot woot!
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