Friday, July 16, 2010

Author Spotlight: Rason

by Rason
Main Characters: Edward & Bella
Genre: NM AU, Angst, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Edward doesn't return after leaving Bella in the forest in Forks. Eight years later, Edward discovers she lives nearby & is persuaded by his family to find her. What he sees will shock him. Can he love the person Bella has become? Lemons. OOC.
Basically, once Edward sees Bella again, he realizes he can’t stay away from her. His love for her is too great, her pull is too powerful for him to ignore. Bella, however, has changed drastically, and not for the better. She’s cold, cynical and promiscuous amongst many other things. Edward eventually realizes that her attitude is merely a mask and he is determined to find the real Bella once again. In order to do so, however, he must come to terms with her past and everything that has happened to her since he left her in the forest in Forks
1. How did you come up with the idea of your story?
It always bothered me how Bella instantly forgave Edward in New Moon. The guy dumped you and left you in a forest, for Christ sake! Come on, grow a backbone and give him a little Hell. He deserves it. Anyway, one day, while I was reading another NM AU fic where Bella took Edward back quickly, I thought there was no way I could do it, especially if it were years later. I would want to kick him in his trouser sword and laugh while he cried (note to self: maybe that’s why guys don’t like me much). I ended up having a really strange dream where Bella had moved on to become a pretty crass, uncaring person that refused to forgive Edward. Therefore, I decided to try my hand at writing it. I really wish I could have more dreams like that. It was quite naughty.
2. What are some of your favorite things reviewers have said about your story?
I really love it when reviewers tell me Finding Bella is completely different than any other NM AU that they’ve read. That’s my goal. There are so many fics out there and a lot of them are similar, so when I’m told by a reviewer that my story is unique, it makes me a very happy person. It’s also nice to know that I’m not the only one that thinks Bella should make Edward work for her forgiveness. I can’t deny that I also like it when someone tells me I’m messed up for making Bella turn into a man-stealing nympho. Oh, if they only knew how messed up I truly am.
3. Is there a particular character in your story that you identify with the most?
In a way I identify with Bella. Although, I’m not quite as cruel and I don’t sleep around like she does (darn it). Certain events in my life have made me become less compassionate than I use to be. I hate that, but it’s the truth. Luckily, I don’t lash out at people the way Bella does (unless they deserve it or are my ex in-laws). However, I do tend to use sarcasm as a coping mechanism. I’m a passive-aggressive Virgo. Need I say more?
4. Is the story all planned out or is it write as you go?
A little bit of both, really. I have countless notes, but it’s grossly unorganized. Most everything is in my head, which is kind of frightening considering the state of my mind.
5. Do you have a particular process when it comes to your writing? Mood? Specific Environment? What do you do to get in the writing mood?
Not really, it’s more of a time thing for me. I’m a single mother trying to run a business. Time is something I don’t have a lot of these days. When I do have extra time, you can find me in front of the computer writing. Or more accurately, screwing around on Twitter, which I’ve become an expert at. In order for me to write, I need a couple of hours so I can get into it. If I am unable to do that, then the story waits.
I do have to have abundant amounts of cream soda and either grapes or blueberries when I write. It’s odd, I know. But if I don’t have those things, I will murder people.
6. Have you got any other projects going on? Any planned for the future?
I just finished a one shot for an anonymous contest (crosses fingers) and I have another AH story I would like to start. I am insanely addicted to NM AU, and I have more ideas in that area that I would like to write. Once I finish Finding Bella, I will most definitely start something new. You should be worried.
7. Are you out of the closet with your Twilight love? Or do you RL friends and family know about it?
Everyone knows of my addiction to Twilight and they are well aware that I will one day become Robert Pattinson’s sugar momma, but they don’t know of my fanfic addiction. Anytime anything Twilight related is in the media, I get an abundance of text messages and phone calls telling me about it. I’m not sure why I haven’t let them know about my fanfic love, to be honest. I guess it’s because I want to keep it for my selfish self. It’s very personal to me and it’s nice not having to share that part of me with RL friends. See, you all should feel special. I do it for YOU!
8. Do any FF authors inspire you?
Of course! Honestly, all FF authors inspire me. The fact that they are able to put something out there that is so intensely personal for the entire world to see is incredible. However, there are a few authors that have inspired me the most, such as Kharizzmatik, GreenEyedGirl17, HunterHunting, Gondolier, and OCDindeed. Their words astonish and exhilarate me, make me emotional, and challenge me to become a better author. There aren’t many fics that I can read more than once, but each of theirs, I’ve read countless times. When they update, I drop everything I’m doing so I can get lost in their worlds. I also blame them for the neglect my child has to endure.
9. What is your FanFic Pet peeve?
The pettiness and cruelness that some seem to possess. The name calling, bullying, cheap shots, and other childish behavior some exert in the attempt to bring someone else down needs to stop. I have seen it escalate lately and it really is a shame. We should all be thankful for what the authors of FF do for us, out of the kindness of their hearts. They don’t have to do it, but still, they do. FF is free and readers do NOT have the right to bash an author because something isn’t happening the way they want. Grow up, be an adult, and move on. Hug it out, people.
Oh, I also wish people would learn the difference between your/you’re and there/they’re/their. Drives. Me. Crazy.
10. Do you have other writing experience besides fan fiction?
I do, although not so much creative writing experience. However, I once got an A on a story I wrote about how my dog learned to walk backwards down the street. It was a true story. I was eight. I was also a journalism nerd at one point (yeah, yeah, I know). Heck, I even won awards for what I wrote back in the day. Not that I could do that now, though. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, and for that reason, I am beyond thrilled that I stumbled into this amazing community.
11. Shout out to your betas.
MaggieCullen and AgirlReckoning. Hi girls! *waves and jumps up and down excitedly* They seriously are the best beta’s out there. I owe them my soul, or perhaps a big batch of homemade peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, whichever is of greater value. I don’t know what I would do without either of my beta’s. They are mine. You can’t have them.
12. Any fic recs?
I tend to read the fics everyone reads, but right now I LOVE the following:
Under the Apple Tree by danieller123
Love in My Box by cosmoandmarvar
Hide and Drink by Savage7289
To Enchant a King by handiangel
The Truth About Heaven by Mezzanottex3 (older o/s)
Silver Strand Nights by GreenEyedGirl17

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