Into the Light
by idealistic4ever
Review written by smexy4smarties
“I want Ewar. Where Ewar go?" She was not saying it to anyone in particular, just saying it aloud, repeatedly.
She needed me. I would not, could not, let any harm come to this beautiful child. She was my world now.
Fate could indeed be so cruel. Bella Swan's parents were killed by a vicious bear but had enough time and sense to hide the young girl away to hopefully be found later. Edward couldn't understand what drew him to the girl, why he felt the compulsion to save her, but he did. He had to. She trusted him and trusted the Cullens, and two-year-old Bella Swan became Bella Cullen—a full-fledged member of the family.
She was adorable and quickly became the center of the Cullen universe, but Alice knew she was more. She wasn't destined to be Edward's daughter, niece or sister; Bella was Edward's mate. And Edward could deny it all he liked, but it was silly to bet against Alice. The little girl was growing up quickly—and her mind seemed to be progressing at an even faster rate—and Edward only had so much time before he would have to face the inevitable: he belonged to Isabella.
The story that idealistic4ever has woven is intricate and undoubtedly explores themes that many in the Twilight fandom haven't considered. Jacob Black imprinted on Renesmee the moment she was born, as the phenomenon of imprinting doesn't know the boundaries of age—would mating work the same way? It may be that there are more parallels between mating an imprinting than differences.
The portrayal of Bella as she ages and matures is also handled beautifully. Her speech and mannerisms are obviously that of a child, but regardless of what age she's at throughout the story, Bella's gentle nature and tender soul shine through. She is always Edward's Bella.
Edward's stubborn refusal to accept what will inevitably be as Bella races toward adulthood leave the reader wondering if he will willingly submit to the destined love that encompasses the two, or if he will succumb not by choice, but because the force of mating draws him in. Bella's all tied up in fate—will she submit to all that's prophecized or forge her own paths?
OMG! Thank you so much! I just saw that this was posted cuz I've been out of the loop for a while...I feel bad...I need to update so bad, but I want to get a few chapters written so as not to leave people hanging too much...I've picked here and there, so maybe at some point, lol! Thanks again! XD