Friday, September 17, 2010

What Are We Reading Now? - Let Him In

Let Him In
by Lezlee
Review by: MsRobPattzMasen

He gasped. "You're not afraid?" He was shocked.
"I am," I answered, sincerely. I was still trembling, even though I had no idea what was happening.
"Do not be afraid of me," he said. "I will not hurt you. I am sorry."
Then he ran away, up the stairs and out of sight.

In Let Him In, Bella Swan has a never changing life. It’s comfortable. Days of grey, weekends of fun. She lives in a routine. One night, on a spring of chance, her routine falters. What happens then you might ask? She has a freak encounter with a stranger in a dark alley. He is intent on becoming her doom, but out of the blue stops. All of a sudden her captor seems to feel remorse and shame.

Same as it would any normal person, Bella is shaken mentally to the point of insanity. Her fear takes over her and her routine. Just when she feels she can’t break much further, there is a visitor at her door one fateful night… In her mind it seems like the end, but maybe it’s only the beginning.

I leave my summery discreet because I don’t want to ruin the toss and turns this amazing journey of a story beholds. LezLee is a true talent to behold. She tells an AU farfetched story, which somehow seems realistic. It shows, what I believe to be, canon Bella at an older age, and a different Edward, yet with his same charm.

From the beginning to end I was addicted; read fourteen chapters in one day. It has such a way of pulling you in and taking you through the ups and downs. I found myself jumping in excitement, getting goose bumps in fear, oh, and yelping at a certain –cough- moment.

I would highly suggest this story to anyone looking for something new. It's an idea I haven’t ever heard told this way, or this good.

Who’s at the door? What will it mean for Bella? And, more importantly, will it be her doom or true beginning? 

1 comment:

  1. "Let Him In" is indeed a wonderful story. I've been reading it for several months myself. Lezlee's writing sparkles, just as she does (I mean figuratively, of course!)and I would recommend it to anybody.

